Every minute detail of each Lorenzo Uomo shirt collar is thought through with impeccable proportions in mind.
The spread collar is a versatile and classic style that can be worn at work and play.
The Lorenzo Uomo spread collar tucks away discreetly under the lapels of your jacket and curves ever so slightly to frame your tie perfectly. It can be worn with any variety of tie–whether it be wide or narrow.
When worn open, the spread collar exudes casual sophistication. The placement of the shirt's second button and exact engineering of the placket ensures that the shirt opening is "just right"–not too saggy and not too stiff.

A more pronounced version of the spread collar, the Lorenzo Uomo cut-away is crisp and modern, thoughtfully designed so that it can be worn dressed up or down.
The cut-away tucks gently under the lapels of your jacket and curves slightly to frame your tie perfectly.
The Lorenzo Uomo cut-away is the ultimate power collar. When worn with a tie, it makes a strong statement in the boardroom and, when worn open, it exudes cosmopolitan ease. This is due to the meticulous placement of the Lorenzo Uomo shirt's second button and the careful design of the cut-away's shape–one that is modern yet not extreme.

The Lorenzo Uomo button-down has been been painstakingly honed to create the perfect collar roll–a defining detail that makes or breaks the button-down shirt. When not done "just right", a shirt appears stiff and contrived. The Lorenzo Uomo collar roll has been carefully crafted and always exudes quiet confidence and ease.
The button-down is the least formal of the Lorenzo Uomo collar shapes; it can be effortlessly dressed up with a suit and tie or dressed down with an open collar and jeans.